Saturday, March 19, 2011


Why do i wanna make a blog? I've been asking the same question and making excuses to not think about it for the past couple of months. But, this-has-to-stop! I gotta stop talking about it and start doing. Like this one quote says: "STOP EXISTING AND START LIVING". 
Anyway, the first answer for the big question is to show people what I can do. Besides school and sports and hanging out, I'm really good in styling. I used to be a very tomboy girl and didn't even care about fashion but as I grew older, I'm starting to pay a real attention to the way I look. And, I finally have the courage to do this because of the push from my aunt: Dr. Nova Riyanti Yusuf. She believes in me that I can be a great stylist, but I gotta show people my "work". 

The next answer is, I wanna be the next Bryan Boy, Tavi Gevinson or Rumi Neely. They are literally the next big thing in the fashion world. And how do they start? By making a blog! They are no different than all of us but they have a voice. They let everyone, especially fashion people, know their capability which leads them to the front row of every Chanel fashion show all season. 

And, the last reason is: I wanna improve my english. I've been living in Singapore for almost threee years now and the only thing that is stopping me to get into the school that I want is my english result. I flunked my english so badly and can not afford to disappoint my parents again. So, I hope this blogging thingy can help me to express words that I hardly mention. 

Enjoy :) 

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