Sunday, March 27, 2011


My little sister is actually a really good painter. One day, she drew two shoes that she found on Nylon's article. They are actually called Osborn shoes. Despite the fact that the shoes are pretty much have one of the most unique design, they do not have a good price for my sister and I to buy. So, yesterday, I went to Forever 21 with my sister to buy a boots that she saw yesterday. And, in just one day, they were gone, as in SOLD OUT! Well, we can't blame the consumer cause with S$49.90, we never expect a really good design boots. Anyway, as we walked around the store, hoping that there would be a last size- 36 boots for my sister, there it was, standing alone, a look-alike Osborn shoes! Without any hesitation, my sister grabbed the shoes and looked at the size. Surprisingly, it's my size. I tried it on and it fits perfectly! At first I didn't want to buy it because my sister also has been dying to buy that kind of shoes and it's kinda unfair for me to have it but not her, but my sister encouraged me to just take it. It only costs for S$21 and I can totally wear it to my school. 

They are the REAL Osborn Shoes! Ahh, TO-DIE-FOR

And, this is mine :) Can't wait to wear them!

Osborn Shoes, by Nabila Larasati Pranoto (

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