Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"this is my time to shine!"

Those words keep popping into my head every time I'm in the court with my mom. But, I can't seem to say it out loud. It's like somehow I've locked my mouth and hid the keys but when I want to open it, I have no idea where is the key. I keep thinking to myself, "you're such a coward! she is right in front of you and she won't know what the hell are you thinking or why are you behaving this way unless you open your mouth!" But, I can't. I just can't

For the past few weeks, I've been occupying myself with playing tennis. Other than I can really use an exercise and I just stopped working reason, I really want to help out with my mom's tennis lesson. Besides, It will be pretty embarrassing if the daughter of one of the best Indonesian tennis player in the 80s can not play tennis. So, I started to brush up my tennis skills and got the hang of it. In my opinion, I'm really good at it. It's hard to admit it tho, but I actually kinda enjoy playing tennis. It's another reason for me to let loose and just forget everything that have been going on. My body, re-taking English O Level this year, money, etc etc. 

Anyway, I have this problem with my mom or myself. Almost every thrice a week, my mom would teach me tennis. But, she is not actually "teaching". In fact, she is the one who becomes the nest Maria Sharapova, not me. In the beginning of the lesson, she would ask me to do a mini tennis with her. And then as we get heated up, we would start move back and play "hitting" with one another. While I'm struggling in receiving her shots, she is getting better and better and it goes on for another 2 hours. I mean come on, if I want to play with you, I wouldn't mind but my skills have to be good enough first. How am I supposed to return your balls or beat you if my basic tennis skills still need to be repaired. It's just a waste of time, for me. Your time has passed. Your victory, trophies, all have gone. Now, it's my turn. And, I really want for my mom to be a part of it :( I don't have the guts to tell my mom "I want you to teach me. Slowly". That's all I ask. I know that my mom can teach me better than my other coach, Bryan. She can't beat his ass up in a tournament, hands down! I want to say "I want you to be my coach, my only coach. Not Bryan. But, I want you to really teach me, they way Bryan does. I know that I can be good and I want you to believe it too"

The reality is, I'm just too afraid. Scared of the consequences, the side effects of my action. What if my mom angry at me, what if she doesn't want to teach me tennis again? I would rather suck it up than taking those chances. Fear, fear, fear! Ahh, I hate myself for having that word written all over me. Sometimes, it's better to shut up, than letting someone else gets hurt. Maybe it's for the best to not saying everything I have in mind. I swear to God, I would do anything, anything to make my mom happy. So many disappointments I've given to my mom, and I've made a promise that my O level result would be the last one. But, I know that she is pretty fed up with me every time we play tennis. I don't really show much interest that I wanna play with her. How am I supposed to put a happy smile and be all energetic when I can't seem to get a single hit right because of her super hard balls and her yelling that driving me nuts! If she wants to yell at me to make me better, fine. Encourage me to be better, but it feels like she doesn't trust me that I can be really good. Or is it just my mind that has been playing around with me? Despite all the facts that I always have negative thoughts about my mom, all I want is to be a better daughter. 


The Charge of the Light Brigade

Half a league, half a league,
  Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


My little sister is actually a really good painter. One day, she drew two shoes that she found on Nylon's article. They are actually called Osborn shoes. Despite the fact that the shoes are pretty much have one of the most unique design, they do not have a good price for my sister and I to buy. So, yesterday, I went to Forever 21 with my sister to buy a boots that she saw yesterday. And, in just one day, they were gone, as in SOLD OUT! Well, we can't blame the consumer cause with S$49.90, we never expect a really good design boots. Anyway, as we walked around the store, hoping that there would be a last size- 36 boots for my sister, there it was, standing alone, a look-alike Osborn shoes! Without any hesitation, my sister grabbed the shoes and looked at the size. Surprisingly, it's my size. I tried it on and it fits perfectly! At first I didn't want to buy it because my sister also has been dying to buy that kind of shoes and it's kinda unfair for me to have it but not her, but my sister encouraged me to just take it. It only costs for S$21 and I can totally wear it to my school. 

They are the REAL Osborn Shoes! Ahh, TO-DIE-FOR

And, this is mine :) Can't wait to wear them!

Osborn Shoes, by Nabila Larasati Pranoto (


Saying goodbye is probably one of the hardest thing to do in our life. Especially if the person that is leaving us is one of our great friends. But this did not appeal to me. My mom will lose one of her best friend in Singapore. Her name is Yumi and she is from Japan. They've known each other for quite some times and they are tennis partner! How cool is that, right!? Anyway, Yumi made a get together farewell party at her condo last week and my sister and I decided to tag along. Yumi is well-known for her home-made delicacies and other than the fact that I want to see her for the last time, I also happen to really really want to eat her food! Hihihi ;) So, there are some pics I wanna share from that day. My outfit for that day was preppy look. My sister was wearing my outfits that I just bought too and it was sort of a preppy look as well. 

a party isn't a party without : CHAMPAGNE!

I swear to God, all the foods are to die for. And, they are super healthy

Some photos below are the only pictures I can find that are not  blur hahaha. I have no idea what's wrong with my sister and I. Yumi is the one with a long brown dress. And, there is her friend with a bob hair and I think she really looks like Anna Wintour. The little girl with polkadot skirt and blue shirt, is my sister. My style and her is kinda different. She is a very artsy person and her style is very accentric, crazy, pattern blocking, etc etc. But, I love her style. If I had a confidence like her, I would probably follow her style. 

This is my mom. And again, she is wearing my Topshop's animal print jumpsuit. I love her natural Maria Bellen curly hair. I wish I have that kind of natural hair. Unlike mine, frizzy wavy shapeless natural hair. Anyway, my mom has a really good fashion sense as well. A lot of people think that she is my older sister because she looks so young for her age and she has a really rocking body! She is also my shopping partner in crime :) 

look at Yumi's dog! Oh my God, she is so cute yet annoying. but, I gotta give a applause for her fashion sense - stripes bold colours tank top, what could have gone wrong! nothing!

I hope that Yumi will come back to Singapore soon. She is a really good friend for my mom. I wish her all the very best in Japan :) Toodleess 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

GIRLS RULE #$%^&@#!*^%$

The Kills (Alison Mosshart)

 Metric (Emily Haines)

Florence and The Machine (Florence Welsh)

The Like


I Blame Coco (Coco Sumner)

Yeah yeah yeahs (Karen O)

(all pictures are found on

Sigh... Where do i even begin? Maybe I can start with GIRLS-ROCK! Well, I don't just say that because I'm a girl but it's true. These girls on top are our voice for us who do not have the guts. And, they have done it with style. Each singer has their own signature. Most of them are the trendsetters nowadays. Not only from their lyrics but also their outfits in expressing themselves. They are not afraid to wear weird costumes that maybe many people think it's for halloween or even saying "does she have a mirror?". Musicians are one of my inspirations of all people. We, the youngs, should be looking up to them. But, there are some goods and bads in each of them. We know for sure that we can follow their fashion sense. 

ps: 99% of the people in the street who witness you in Bjork's outfit would think you are a lunatic, but who cares! just think that you are Lady Gaga. all you need is a confident! that's all it takes. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

SPRING must have looks!

Owwkaay, maybe I'm a little late to review 2011 Spring Collection, but better late than never, eh? I've done my researches over some magazines, websites and even entertainments and they really help me a lot cause I did not go to New York or Paris to attend the fashion week. DUH! Anyway, I will jot down some Spring 2011 must have looks. You might have different opinions but I hope this could still help you. So....

The Spring 2011 Must Have Looks :

1. Pajamas!
"Pajamas? What the heck is she talking about!" Hold your horses guys. Pajamas looks are very popular among the spring 2011 runway show. I'm talking about long skirts, baggy tops and lousy hair. From Michael Kors, Proenza Schouler to Reed Krakoff, the pajamas dressing is a total hits! 

 I know that this look is kinda hard to pull, especially to girls with curves, like myself, however, we can always try to make it similar. The key point for the pajamas look is being as casual as we can. So, lets say if we want to wear a simple baggy white t's, we can spice it up with a long bold colour skirt or high waist trousers. This will definitely make us look slender and not make us look larger. For skinny girl with a straight figure, you can definitely have an all white pajamas look from head to toe. But, tone it up with a brown heels or gladiator

Aaahh, this is what I love about Spring Collection, Bold-Brave Colours! I've been waiting for the spring or summer season cause it is more suitable to wear spring collection in this really really hot country, Singapore. Bold colours are very popular among this year's spring runway. We have seen bold colours in Tommy Hilfiger's, Tory Burch's and Rag and Bone's runway show this season. What an alarm for the fashion eyes to see such colours light up the fashion week. 

Wearing outfit with bold colours may need more confident than wearing black or safe colours, but bold colours are really fun. It's really fresh, young and all eyes are definitely going to be on us. So, I really recommend teenagers out there to start substituting your all black and white closets with some bold colours! You're gonna regret it if you don't. 

3. It's all about the pattern
From Zac Posen, Marni, to Prada, pattern play is another spring must have looks. The graphic content of the outifts are a starring role on the runways. Forget about plain shirt and move on to patterns! If you are tired of people judging your boring/safe look, you can mix it up by adding some graphic outfits to your look. I assure you, when you walk with some stand out pattern, you will be the centre of attention. 

Okay, pattern play can be difficult. For those of you who think you can pull off two patterns in one time, jut go for it and be confident. But, if you guys think two pattern are a little crowded, you can tone it down with a one colour outfit that the same colour theme with your pattern. In that way, you still look bold but your colour blocking with the patttern does not shine down the graphics. 

White is a clean up act  aside from the bold colours that have been going on in spring's runways. Minimal white is a come back since many years we haven't seen white as a trend. It's obvious that Calvin Klein is the master of simplicity that goes with white, but Alexander Wang and Derek Lam won't let him get away with it. Long dresses, wide trousers, all are in white. 

So here is the problem with white, it makes you look bigger. However, most expensive or branded clothes willl not have this problem. Try to add a belt or jacket with different colours to make you look smaller and hide all the figures showing off. But when the white outfit id right, you will look cool with the long trousers and blazer or have an angelic look with a simple dress. 

5. That 70's Show
Where can i begin with seventies theme? Let me ask my friends Chris Benz, Elie Tahari and Marc Jacobs first about that. They trully rock the runway with vintage fever, wide leg trousers and high waisted denim. It's definitely a to-die-for! I bet my momma would love to wear them when I tell her all about it and there are tons of vintage clothes inside my closet. I'll try to show you in the next posts. 

Ask your mom to open her old closets again and take all her vintage clothes! I bet there are junk of her outfits when she was a virgin that can totally fit you. Children's body has the tendency to follow their parents. So, instead of asking your mom to buy expensive clothes, try her's first. To make this look more modern, add killer heels and just let down your hair, don't tie it up. 

So I guess these are some highlights, which are my favourites, for the Spring 2011 Collection must have looks. Don't ever be afraid to try some daring outfits. It might do you good, I promise you!
(all pictures are the courtesy of

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Why do i wanna make a blog? I've been asking the same question and making excuses to not think about it for the past couple of months. But, this-has-to-stop! I gotta stop talking about it and start doing. Like this one quote says: "STOP EXISTING AND START LIVING". 
Anyway, the first answer for the big question is to show people what I can do. Besides school and sports and hanging out, I'm really good in styling. I used to be a very tomboy girl and didn't even care about fashion but as I grew older, I'm starting to pay a real attention to the way I look. And, I finally have the courage to do this because of the push from my aunt: Dr. Nova Riyanti Yusuf. She believes in me that I can be a great stylist, but I gotta show people my "work". 

The next answer is, I wanna be the next Bryan Boy, Tavi Gevinson or Rumi Neely. They are literally the next big thing in the fashion world. And how do they start? By making a blog! They are no different than all of us but they have a voice. They let everyone, especially fashion people, know their capability which leads them to the front row of every Chanel fashion show all season. 

And, the last reason is: I wanna improve my english. I've been living in Singapore for almost threee years now and the only thing that is stopping me to get into the school that I want is my english result. I flunked my english so badly and can not afford to disappoint my parents again. So, I hope this blogging thingy can help me to express words that I hardly mention. 

Enjoy :)